Hi 👋

I'm Leo, and I'm fascinated by technologies that can reduce our impact on our planet. Our relationship with our environment, and nature more broadly, has become one of antagonism and exploitation. I believe we need to take up the role of wardens and stewards rather than exploiters and abusers. Fortunately, we live in a time when available technologies allow us to do just that.


Precision Fermentation

A cutting edge technology harnessing microbes as factories to produce specific proteins. Used mainly for dairy products but applications reach far beyond!

Cultivated Meat

Growing meat from stem cells in bioreactors, without the animals slaughter and at a fraction of the environmental cost

Molecular Farming

The use of genetically modified plants to produce proteins, for food and pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and other valuable compounds


The process of restoring ecosystems by reintroducing native plants, fungi, and animals to create self-sustaining natural habitats


Afforestation is the process of creating forests on land currently used for animal agriculture by planting trees and other vegetation to restore ecosystems and increase biodiversity

Animal Rights

Animal agriculture is responsible for a disproportionate amount of environmental destruction, unimaginable cruelty and suffering and not to mention the rise and spread of zoonotic diseases

Renewable Energy

Renewables already offer the cheapest form of electricity in some regions of the world — and this trend is growing

Battery Storage

Afforestation is the process oy